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Registration is Closed, Please check back shortly

New Student Registration

Member Details


Emergency Contact

Other Details

Images Uploaded will be watermarked
  • Yearly Fees $45.00
  • Belt Testing $35.00
  • New Gi $45.00

Additional Details

if yes, Please fill the details below
if yes, Please add below

Waiver / liability release

In consideration of the above names, I for myself, my heirs, administrators, executors and assigns release and forever discharge Bushido Karate Club and their affiliates, owners, directors, instructors, guest instructors, officers, employees, agents, assigns, legal representatives, successors and heirs from all manner of actions, causes of action, debts, accounts, bonds, contracts, claims and demands for which has been or may be sustained due to negligence on the part of Bushido Karate Club, and their affiliates or as a consequence of my participation in activities hosted by Bushido Karate Club and their affiliates. I acknowledge that I do not have any physical limitations, medical ailments, physical or mental disabilities that would limit or prevent me from participating. If required, I consent to obtaining a medical examination and clearance. I hereby acknowledge and agree that I have carefully read this Agreement and fully understand the same, and that I am freely and voluntarily executing the same.

I understand that by signing this Agreement, I agree to be forever prevented from suing or otherwise claiming against Bushido Karate Club and their affiliates for any property loss or personal injury that may be sustained while participating in or preparing for the activities, exercises and classes. From time to time during the year, the media and/or Bushido Karate Club may be reporting on our events. On occasion, while covering these events, students are interviewed and/or still or moving images of them are taken for use by club staff or the media. Quotes or images may be used by the media or in club publications or videos, social media accounts or on websites (club websites).

Please note that on Bushido Karate Club publications (club websites, and social media accounts), you and/or your child may be identified by your/their full name, and may be included with their image, on Bushido Karate Club publications (club websites and social media accounts).

Registration is Closed, Please check back shortly


White belt and up
YMCA (Moncton North End)
6:00 PM - 6:45 PM
White belt and up
YMCA (Moncton North End)
6:00 PM - 6:45 PM
White belt and up
YMCA (War Veterans Ave)
10:15 AM - 11:15 AM
Beginner class (White belts and above)
YMCA (War Veterans Ave)
4:00 PM - 4:45 PM
Brown belt & up
YMCA (War Veterans Ave)
5:00 PM - 5:45 PM
Orange belt and up
YMCA (Moncton North End)
7:00 PM - 7:45 PM
Orange belt and up
YMCA (Moncton North End)
7:00 PM - 7:45 PM
Kinder karate (4-7 years old)
YMCA (Moncton North End)
11:15 AM - 12:15 PM
Our Members

Training With Our Experts


Sensei James Ching

(1st Dan - Shodan)
Began his training under Sensei Nathaniel and Lucien Pomar, as well as Sens
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Sensei Nathaniel

(3rd Dan - Sandan)
Sensei Nathaniel Pomar originally began his Shotokan Karate training and Fr
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Sensei Lucien Pomar

(1st Dan - Shodan)
Sensei Lucien began his training under Master Teruyuki Okazaki and Senseis
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Intro Video

A Path to Physical and Mental Excellence

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Years of

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